By: Lewis Dodson, Drop In Bar & Deli co-owner

As we approach the end of Summer and our ocean begins to feel more and more like bath water instead of a refreshing reprieve from the 100+ degree temps, sometimes the only sustenance that sounds remotely appealing is a cool, crisp salad. With this simple, flavorful vinaigrette, you can dress up your own greens, or just drop in this popular Center Street deli and oder the house salad, chef salad, or the Althea wrap and taste all the basil goodness for yourself!

• 1 Bunch Basil
• 1/4 Bunch Parsley Leaves, chopped
• 10 Cloves Garlic, peeled & chopped
• Pinch Crushed Red Pepper
• 2 Cups Salad (or Olive) Oil
• 1 Cup Red Wine Vinegar

1.Puree all ingredients together with an emersion blender, except the vinegar.
2. Combine the vinegar with the puree and it’s ready to serve!

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