Toby’s Earth Month island-wide spring sweep a success

from Staff Reports

More than 200 volunteers combed Folly Beach from nine different stations on Sunday, April 7, as part of Toby The Turtle’s Earth Month Island-wide Spring Sweep. They collected and recorded 12,531 pieces of debris (10,433 on roadways and 2,098 on the beach). The total count included 992 cigarette butts on Center Street/business district and 1,292 cigarette butts on the beach.

The most common debris found at Lighthouse Reserve was beer cans and glass bottles. Other banned items included retail plastic bags, Styrofoam cooler/cups, and balloons, which are a danger to wildlife and marine life.

The last seven Toby’s Sweep events have welcomed 1,154 Earth Warriors collecting more than 78,814 pieces of debris.

Thea next public sweep, hosted by Toby the Turtle and the South Carolina Aquarium will be Sunday, May 19, from 4:30-5:30 p.m. Location to be announced.

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