By Charlie McCarty | City Council Reporter

The Tuesday, April 14 meeting of Folly Beach City Council began with a Work Session at 6 p.m. Only one item was discussed: the Center Street Engineering project, which was introduced by both Mayor Tim Goodwin and Councilmember DJ Rich.

Councilmember Rich spoke about the bidders for the Center Street engineering project, recommending the lowest bidder who came in at $11,900. He said the engineering study is required by the State Department of Transportation (SCDOT) because the City intends to make changes to the road. The study will take approximately four months. He also spoke briefly about a program to allow people to purchase “sponsorship” bricks to be included in the street project to help pay for the costs of the project. Rich indicated more information about the bricks program would be coming soon. He reminded all that the Center Street project objectives and process remains essentially the same as those promoted in public meetings and special presentations since last year. The Work Session adjourned at 6:15 p.m.

Regular Meeting

The regular monthly meeting started promptly at 7 p.m., Councilmembers Pennell Clamp, Sandi Hickman, Rich, Dale Stuckey, and Mayor Goodwin were present. Councilmembers Eddie Ellis and Tom Scruggs were absent. In addition to Clerk of Council Mary Cunningham, the following key staff were in attendance as well: Zoning Administrator Aaron Pope, Building Official Eric Lutz, Comptroller Lee Gessner, Public Works Director Kevin Whitsett and City Attorney Ben Peeples.

There were no staff reports at this meeting. In discussing the proposed agenda, two items were postponed. The first, introduced by Mayor Goodwin, was Ordinance 03-15, which following previously granted precedents, proposed “upon good cause” to allow property owners, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Linville, to exchange the right of way (ROW) deed between their two lots (505 and 506) for a parcel of identical dimensions between lots 506 and 507, with the Linvilles assuming all costs of survey, deed, title search, and legal transfers.

Councilmember Rich motioned for postponement (Council Member Clamp seconded the motion), indicating that a less intrusive compromise was in the works, and the postponement would allow staff the time necessary to finalize it and then bring it back to Council. All voted in favor of postponement.

Councilmember Hickman made a motion to postpone Resolution 18-15, introduced by Mayor Goodwin, proposing City employee compensation range changes. She said she had concerns and questions that would best be addressed for clarification by Councilmember Scruggs who was absent. Councilmember Rich seconded the motion. He felt the full scope of the compensation study should be examined by Council in work session before being finalized and presented in a resolution. Councilmember Clamp added he felt analysis on associated benefit information should be included in the full data analysis as well. A vote was taken with all in favor of postponement. A vote was taken on the agenda as amended with all members in favor.

Personal Appearances

In Personal Appearances, Carissa Howe of the Medical University’s ENT Department, came before the Council requesting permission to host the 3rd Annual “Cancer’s A Beach” (S.C. Oral, Head and Neck Cancer Alliance) 5K walk-run on September 19, 2015, beginning at 8:30 a.m., at Front Beach 12th Street East to the Pier and back. She expects the event will be over by 10 a.m. and will attract about 175 participants. Councilmember Rich made a motion to approve and Councilmember Clamp seconded the motion. When asked about parking at the East End, Howe indicated it had not been a problem in the past events. Clerk of Council Cunningham reminded Howe she should check in with Public Safety Chief Andrew Gilreath in August with final details proposed for the run. The Council voted unanimously to approve the event.

Richard Beck came before Council representing Save the Light and requested advance permission for the 5K/Half Marathon to be held on February 6, 2016 beginning at 8 a.m. (More than 700 participants enrolled last year). Councilmember Clamp made a motion to approve and Councilmember Hickman seconded the motion. Beck said he would visit with Chief Gilreath later about road closings for the run. A vote was taken and the event was approved unanimously.

Crystal Fesperman, representing the Charleston Beach Bocce League, came before Council and asked permission to hold its 2015 Kickoff Tournament on the beach at 3rd Street West on May 16 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and further, to permit regular league play there on Tuesday evenings from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. starting on May 26, and extending to August 11. Councilmember Clamp made a motion to approve and Councilmember Rich seconded the motion. Fesperman noted the fees-to-play per team cover the costs of the trophies and after party at the end of the season. A vote was taken with all in favor.

Joe Kohut came before Council requesting permission for the 5th annual “Thomas and Kohut Midnight Run” proposed for July 24, 2015 on West Arctic from the Fishing Pier at 11:30 p.m. He said more than 100 people participated last year, and no street closures were required. Proceeds benefit a local children’s charity. Councilmember Hickman made a motion to approve and Councilmember Clamp seconded the motion. Several Councilmembers registered concerns about the safety of the participants during summer season, and suggested Kohut change the date of the run to the off-season. Also he was encouraged to meet with Chief Gilreath prior to appearing before Council, and arrange for medical support to be on tap in the event of injuries. A vote was taken with Mayor Goodwin in favor. However, all other members of Council were opposed. The motion failed.

Citizens Comments

Susan Breslin, a resident of East Arctic Avenue, came before the Council to discuss the right-of-way issue at East 5th Street. She indicated she had done extensive deed research on the matter. Councilmember Rich reminded Breslin that the proposed ordinance had been postponed and another proposal seeking a compromise was in the offing.

Tom Reed, residing at East Cooper Avenue, came before the Council with questions regarding the Center Street project and possible uses of the old bridge spanning the Folly River. Mayor Goodwin encouraged him to make an appointment so he could answer all of his questions.

Richard Brindle of East Cooper Avenue said he is a strong supporter of clearing the right-of-way leading to beach access. He felt all citizens should view them as City assets. He challenged residents to take part in maintaining them and giving them a unique Folly image.

Toni Catoe, a resident on East Huron Avenue, encouraged City Council to not reimburse anyone for land that has been “taken” by a resident. She also suggested that the City establish and collect nominal fees for all the events on the beach to help offset the costs incurred by Public Safety and Public Works.

Jim Crow, also an East Huron Avenue resident, enthusiastically congratulated City Council and staff on the opening of the new bridges.

New Business

The Council considered Resolution No. R15-15, which amended the Folly Beach Personnel Handbook to clarify the use of compensatory time and employee leave. Councilmember Stuckey made a motion to amend the handbook. She stated that the wording she provided to Council was discussed with Human Resources Director Kathryn Battey. She stated they both believe the new, amended wording makes sections on leave and compensatory time clearer and easily understood. While Councilmember Rich was concerned that this change is not included in Council’s agenda material, a vote was taken on the amendment with all in favor except Rich. Finally, the resolution as amended was approved unanimously.

Resolution No. R16-15 proposing the awarding of the Center Street Engineering Project for roadway improvements along Center Street from North of East Indian Ave. to East Ashley Ave. was considered. Councilmember Clamp made a motion award the contract to Weston & Samson of Marina Drive, Charleston, and Councilmember Hickman seconded the motion. Councilmember Stuckey made a motion to amend the award amount from $34,000 to $17,500. The amendment was approved unanimously, and the subsequent vote on the amended resolutions was also approved unanimously.

In a related resolution, Resolution, No. R17-15, Council considered a proposal creating a Center Street Reserve Account to be funded by a transfer of $20,000 from the Community Center Account. Councilmember Clamp made a motion to approve and Councilmember Rich seconded the motion. Councilmember Rich explained this transfer of funds would still leave approximately $75,000 in the Community Center account, which by ordinance, cannot go below $50,000. The Council unanimously approved the establishment of the account and the transfer of funds.

Finally, in Ordinance No. 02-15, Council committed to the first reading to adopt the City’s budget for Fiscal Year 2015-16. The proposed budget contained increased revenues and expenditures totaling more than $5.3 million, and established a corresponding resetting of the millage levy to .035 (increasing taxes on all real estate and personal properties within the City beginning July 1, 2015, except those exempt by the State). Councilmember Clamp made a motion to approve and Councilmember Hickman seconded the motion. There was no discussion, and the ordinance passed first reading unanimously. (Note: at the next regular meeting of Council, the budget will receive a second reading and include a Public Hearing for citizens.)

City Council Comments

In closing, several Councilmembers noted the long hours and hard work of Council and staff in preparing the budget for the upcoming fiscal year, adding they were pleased with the result. Councilmember Clamp specifically regretted having to raise taxes, but felt the City had no alternatives with the many unanticipated expenses last year, including renourishment and issues with the new bridges. Councilmember Stuckey noted that the increased taxes would be approximately $60 on a $500,000 home annually.

The Council completed its business in record time, adjourning at 7:45 p.m. The next regular meeting of Folly Beach City Council will be held on Tuesday, May 12 at Town Hall.

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