Folly Fishing Report — November 2015

Fish are Fattening for Winter Given the unprecedented amount of rains that flooded the Lowcountry at the beginning of October, you might have thought fishing would have been off for quite some time. We were very pleasantly surprised that fishing had returned to its...

Outstanding In His Field — November 2015

High and Dry Hello again! Well, since we had so much rain and a lot of us learned about the flood areas of our properties, I thought I would address some minor things that can help alleviate some water issues. However, before I go on I would like to point out that you...

Tales of Floods

After the rains stop, problems still persist Grace appeared in the bathroom mirror. She stood, wagging her tail and smiling. Grace, a small black lab mix with a white chin and chest, has been described as a “perma-puppy.” She and Zeke, an aging springer spaniel, spend...


Fish are Fattening for Winter By Capt. Geoff Bennett | Charleston Charter Fishing Given the unprecedented amount of rains that flooded the Lowcountry at the beginning of October, you might have thought fishing would have been off for quite some time. We were very...

A Clean Sweep

Beach Sweep/River Sweep nets more than 4,000 Cigarette butts, 66 bags of Trash By Lorne Chambers | Editor Every year thousands of people come out to Folly Beach and put their butts on our beach. Unfortunately they’re not nice butts. And unfortunately they don’t take...

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