Salt Marsh Diaries — April 2017

Man Creates Order, Nature Creates Perfection Daylight savings time makes early-morning moon viewing easier. At 6 a.m., darkness vails the landscape. In contrast to the darkness, the yet-to-rise sun lights up the left half of the moon. The moon orbits the earth every...

Outstanding In His Field — April 2017

Treat Symptoms or  Promote Healthy Growth? A landscape is a living environment and how we interact or don’t interact with it really has profound effects. For example, if we nurture a garden it grows and produces. If we leave it completely alone it reverts back to...

Folly Fishing Report — April 2017

By Captain Geoff Bennett Charleston Charter Fishing Charleston was set to bypass Winter and cruise straight into Spring up until the last two weeks. Abnormally chilly weather sent the water temperatures plummeting and made the bite slow down. Redfish hung in there but...

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